I have just refreshed the GPX files. The changes are:
* file names changed - replacing spaces with underscores to minimise any possible issues with spaces in filenames * attribution added - referring back to the OS OpenData source data and associated licence * for admin areas which consist of multiple polygons, each polygon (a "trkseg" in the GPX) is marked in the "cmt" (comment) tag as "outer" or "inner". I know this can be derived from the data as outer polygons are clockwise, but it might save someone time/effort to have this immediately available in the GPX.

Does OSM have any facility for hosting these files? They are about 500MB all together, but they compress very nicely.

Someone suggested I make a wiki page for this. I will try to do that at the weekend.


On 30/05/2012 00:59, Colin Smale wrote:
Having just taken a look at ogr2osm I think that is probably the best way of achieving OSM-data with a view to a bulk import. However there are lots of disadvantages and gotcha's on that route as several people have pointed out. If we were to take that route there would not be any point in going further with the GPX files.

I have prepared a set of GPX files (one per admin area) from the main OS shapefiles. What would be the best way to get these into OSM? I guess it will be a manual process to split the boundary, create a relation, transfer the tags from any existing data, and link everything up. Can someone who has experience with such things suggest a workflow? Personally I tend to work with Potlatch2, but please let us all know if there's a better way. I assume (as someone else already suggested) the OS is probably the best source available for this data. So any existing admin boundaries (counties/regions etc) will need to be adjusted by hand to connect up with the district boundaries from this OS dataset.

I am currently uploading the GPX files to the following (temporary) location:

Please let me know if you find any anomalies in these files!


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