On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 20:37 +0100, Borbus wrote:
> On 21/08/12 19:11, Adam Hoyle wrote:
> > Speaking of the which, anyone have any idea when the designation
> > tag will be rendered on the main OSM renderer (or even in Potlatch which
> > would do me in the short term). 
> The mapnik layer on osm.org is an international map so it doesn't
> support things like PROW designations which have no meaning outside of
> England and Wales.
> What you want is something like freemap: http://www.free-map.org.uk/
> But it seems it does not show the whole of GB any more.  I'm not sure why.
A UK renderer for OSM would be the way to go, that is able to use the
OSM data and display rights of way. Would help to spot tagging errors,
once they are shown correctly.


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