On 28/11/12 20:46, Tom Chance wrote:
On 28 November 2012 19:40, Andy Robinson <ajrli...@gmail.com <mailto:ajrli...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Some of the area’s most certainly are not “protected” as they are
actively being discussed for development.

These are probably areas that have been de-designated, or are being considered for this fate, since the Telegraph's data source was compiled.

This points to the major flaw with importing this data - it changes year to year, and we can't easily observe the changes on the ground. We might spot development on green belt and so remove the designation, we don't spot where new green space is designated as greenbelt. Unless we had ongoing co-operation from local authorities, within a year we'd be hosting a dataset that's out of date and impossible to check.

Hardly impossible, since it's public information. Green belt land is supposed to be "permanent", if I remember the Town and Country Planning Act correctly, so it should change less often than local government boundaries, which have no evidence on the ground at all in most places - yet we still maintain them in OSM.

Local authorities normally publish green belt maps as part of their planning statements. Unfortunately these are often in hard-to-use formats like PDF.

I'm not arguing for a rush to import this dataset, but it would be great to have this information in OSM and much easier to maintain it after import/tracing than to author it by hand. When I say it would be great to have it, in fact I believe this is a huge opportunity for OSM to play a vital role in local democracy. And when I say vital, I'm not exaggerating.

The Localism Act 2011 sweeps away a lot of restrictions on planning. There is now a thing called "neighbourhood planning" which means that communities - or in practice, the tiny proportion of people who take an interest in planning - will be able to grant planning permission where "they want" to see things built. It limits the powers of professional planners to place restrictions on what will be built where - if "the community" votes to allow building, it will be allowed without any professional input. (Sorry, I mean interference from government.)

This means that property developers will be able to "convince" just a few people to vote in favour of a development (you can use your imagination how this convincing might be accomplished) and it will go ahead. The only safeguard left against this will be to get enough people involved in the process, and that requires people to be well informed.

I had some discussions with someone at the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England a while ago and they sound very keen to provide tools to help communities understand their local geography, given these huge new responsibilities that we have been given. Maps are of course key to this. If we can present this sort of information in OSM, it could even become the de facto source of information for community planning activities.

Worth a shot, no?


Dr Jonathan Harley   :    Managing Director    :   SpiffyMap Ltd

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