Ha - we've already got a "King George's Playing Field". Might have to add
the designation tag!

I suspect prone_to_flooding=yes might also be appropriate...

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Rob Nickerson <rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com>wrote:

> http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/10086205.Tribute_to_Queen_safeguards_Oxpens_Meadow/
> >
> >I've added the name of the meadow mentioned in this article, but does
> anyone
> >have a suggestion how to tag that it's been designated a QEII Field?  I'm
> >not actually sure what it means, even after reading
> >http://www.fieldsintrust.org/QEII.aspx and following links, but it looks
> >like there's quite a few.
> >
> >s
> --
> Hi
> Good spot. I read the Fields in Trust (FIT) website with interest. In
> summary, FIT is the new operating name for the National Playing Fields
> Association, which is the trustee of the King George Fields Foundation.
> This foundation was responsible for establishing playing fields as "King
> George's Fields" where the landowner entered into a "Deed of Dedication"
> declaring that the recreation ground shall "be preserved in perpetuity". As
> such these playing fields are legally protected and as such I believe that
> the designation tag is suitable:
> * designation = King George’s Field
> It looks like a similar legal designation will be made for the Queen
> Elizabeth II Fields, so I suggest a polygon be drawn around these and
> tagged with:
> * designation = Queen Elizabeth II Fields
> * and any other appropriate tag about the landuse/landcover (if any)
> Regards,
> Rob
> p.s It may be worth someone contacting FiT to see if we can get a database
> of the fields for use in OSM (i.e. permission to use the data under an open
> licence).
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:designation
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