
I have been adding to OSM for about 18 months but more active in recent
weeks. I have requested the PRoW from Durham County Council, they currently
have not released their data but do have it electronically, just
not publicly available to download yet. Their response was more postive
than I expected they were looking into it already and were hoping to have a
more official response before Xmas (haven't yet).

I have added several footpaths locally but I am often left wondering how to
tag these or how to break them into sections. I have followed the
guidelines at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_Tagging_Guidelines but
should I tag the footpath with the local authority reference which would
aid logging the path to the Council if problems like
if so how?

The other question is do I add the footpath exactly as the Council &
Ordnance Survey have recorded it or amend it, if I know it is incorrect on
the ground. Currently I have added it as per my own GPX tracks and local
knowledge which is more accurate, but officially the PRoW isn't recorded as
I have added it to OSM. Do I continue as I have, add both tagged
differently or some other way?

Finally should I split the path I have added if it is recorded as
two separate paths on the definitive maps. I'm sure this must of been
discussed somewhere before and I have missed it?

*PRoW from OS:*
I read Bill Chadwick's mention of hopefully one day the OS would release
national paths as Open Data. I don't think that will happen soon, as part
of the OS Insight program they were recently testing a new product that
included all footpaths in vector format. This will be a commercial product,
so unlikely they will be releasing it as Open Data themselves.


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