One in London has had disused: put in front of the tags

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Bogus Zaba <> wrote:

> Has anybody else noticed / been annoyed by the way that disused railway
> stations are rendered just like regular railway stations on the cycle map,
> transport map and MapQuest open views of OSM?
> Mapnik seems to know the difference and renders the disused stations with
> a smaller symbol and grey label, but viewing the other three layers leads
> you to the conclusion that these are all regular stations.
> For an example see this (**
> ?lat=53.43943&lon=-2.96918&**zoom=15&layers=C<>)
> in North Liverpool where I was cycling using the cycle map recently. Bank
> Hall and Kirkdale are regular stations which are both useful landmarks for
> a cyclist and offer a potential ride home whereas Spellow and Walton &
> Anfield do not exist.
> I understand that there are enthusiasts out there who are interested in
> historic maps, but the features which are important for that type of
> mapping can just get in the way of useful everyday find-your-way-around
> maps.
> Anybody know where should this be reported as a rendering bug?
> Thanks
> Bogus Zaba
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