You can always call the BBC up and ask if they would like a quote to give
the piece balance. The Beeb love their balance, they get nervous if you
suggest a piece lacks balance.

So you'd suggest that the article includes a quote from critics who point
out that the data is only available to Google, unlike OSM, blah.

I don't have the number for the technology news desk, but the number for
the web site general newsdesk used to be 0207 765 1065 and if you get
through to any part of the news operation and ask for the web site
technology desk they should put you through.

Not that we have a press officer but Harry has done good work in the past
putting out press releases :-)


On 11 April 2013 10:39, Kevin Peat <> wrote:

> On 11 April 2013 08:12, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:
>> No mention of OSM in this piece:
> Google has been getting a free pass from the media but now they are making
> hardware that may change, waiting for the Nexus sweatshop / employee
> suicide stories to emerge.
> It will be interesting to see if they get enough contributors to even sort
> out the mess that gmaps poi's are in let alone to add buildings, etc.
> Outside of a few urban centres I don't see it myself.
> Kevin
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