On 30/07/2013 11:49, o...@k3v.eu wrote:

On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:57:13 +0100, "Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)"
<robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:

OSM takes a conservative line on copyright and licensing issues...
I agree with Rob 100% on this, it is pretty obvious that the Government
intends for this data to be freely usable by businesses and projects
like OSM. This has been covered to death a number of times in the past.

There is a lot of external data in OSM that requires attribution. The way
the project handles that seems to work pretty well regardless of what
the amateur lawyers may say.

It is very hard to imagine the circumstances where OSM would face any
issues from using these datasets and if that were to occur then the
data can be removed as has happened when other data sources have been
challenged in the past.

If you don't want to use this data in OSM then don't use it but you are
not the arbiter deciding what others may do.

I would add to this that as Robert W is quite right that "OSM takes a conservative line on copyright and licensing issues", the Licensing Working Group formally made the Ordnance Survey aware of our (then) intended use under ODbL and explicitly pointed out where there where potential incompatibilities. The upshot was that the OS kindly made a formal declaration that they had no objections to such use for all OpenData product where they have complete IP control, i.e. everything except CodePoint data. Since that time, the OpenStreetMap Foundation, as formal publishers of the database, have had no communication from the OS rescinding that for future releases of OpenData. In other words, if the Man Says Yes, then the Man Says Yes.

Now, the potential incompatibility with the OS OpenData License per se has never been removed. This means that there are problems for the OSM community and the general public in these *other* areas:

- Use of OS OpenData other than that described above, i.e. CodePoint. [I personally feel that the real problem all along is the Royal Mail and their apparent decision to hijack post code and address databases paid for with public resources into the private sector. Chris Hill has been working here but the LWG informally feels that the response he got is deliberately vague and obfuscatory.]

- Confusing use of the OS OpenData License instead of the Open Government License on other datasets. As I recall that is datasets from English Heritage.

A number of individuals have been working on these and other issues, at least Robert Whitaker, Rob Nickerson and Chris Hill. I apologise to them that the LWG has not been in a position due to lack of manpower to give support despite requests to do so. I therefore suggest the following:

We (all) take a simple unified stance that:

1) The Open Government License, OGL, was deliberately brought into being to provide a consistent, harmonious platform for releasing open government-funded and government-owned data. The OS OpenData License is clearly at odds with this and should be retired completely. Anything currently under the OS license should re-published under OGL at the earliest opportunity.

2) There is a set of other key datasets which we believe need to be unequivocally published under OGL for the public good:

    - PROW data, however provided.
- "Royal Mail" address database, (I am shaky on the details on this, Robert Barr is the man to talk to).
   - Others you may identify.

I, and I believe all other LWG members, will be at SOTM 2013 in Birmingham. I suggest that we all meet up then. If possible, I'd like to make points 1 and 2 as a formal LWG/OSMF submission to ODUG before then. However, I want to be sure that I get all my facts straight, and lack of time to read everything up is what is stopping me right now. Any comments/support greatly welcomed.


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