NaPTAN stops can be placed in one of the following categories
(initially the not-verified one):

- not-verified (imported but not surveyed on the ground);
- verified (NaPTAN data has been correlated with a physical stop on
the ground and the location adjusted, if necessary);
- physically not present, customary stop;
- physically not present and no associated stop.

Near me, there is a hail and ride segment of a bus route, i.e. you can
request the bus to stop at any safe place and there are, for some
level of formality, no formal stops.

On that route segment, there is NaPTAN data for a number of stops,
which although it doesn't have local references for the stops, it also
doesn't have a "customary stop flag".  On the ground, most of these
correspond to timetables attached to lamp posts.  These timetables are
not named, but you can deduce the name from the accompanying partial
listing of stops and journey times.  Some do not, and I think those
actually represent the end of of the hail and ride section.  People
wanting to get on the bus, do tend to congregate at the time tables,
to some extent. but they also get on at other places..

My problem, which I've tried asking of the NaPTAN user on the
OpenStreetmap itself, with no reply, is for the two cases:

- time table on lamp post;
- no time table, but probable end of hail and ride,

should they be considered as:

NaPTAN verified;
not physically present, customary stop; or
not physically present, not a stop.

I've got a .osm file, sitting on my disk,with corrected locations,
waiting for an answer to these questions before I commit it.

(Actually, iti is really two back to back sections, as there is a real
stop in the middle.)

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