Barnett, Phillip wrote:
NPE maps were the first backgrounds for the editors other than some quite low
res Yahoo imagery of the UK, so people used them for mapping
streams/rivers/woods etc back in the day. As you have noticed, they don’t
necessarily relate to modern streams – they may have dried up or been
culverted/piped long since. They are all over 50 years old, (for copyright
reasons) after all.

Yes, if the facts on the ground have changed, then the stream needs to be moved,
or removed. No process needed, just use an editor.

Note – only remove NPE tagged items if you know they have changed – don’t just
do a mass-remove! (That’s in the unlikely event you were planning to write a bot
to remove them all!)

Of cause it would be nice if people could actually tag when a feature ceased to exist using the end_date tag. This is all important material for the OHM view of history.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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