> From: SomeoneElse [mailto:li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk]
> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Editor backbground layers in iD
> Rob Nickerson wrote:
> >
> > 2). iD is a general purpose editor. It can be used for
> > OpenHistoricalMap too.
> Indeed - perhaps I should have been clearer that I'm talking about the
> instance in use on the OSM site used to edit the OSM map, not any other
> instance which presumably could feature any layers that it liked.

It's worth pointing out that iD doesn't actually have an imagery list. It
inherits its from the editor-imagery-index project at 
http://osmlab.github.io/editor-imagery-index/, which is for OpenStreetMap
editing, not historical mapping or a general list of all possible imagery.

> > So how do we deal with an overload of map layers? I think it's a tool
> > issue.
> Indeed - and I'm sure that the iD developers would say "patches welcome"
> at this point!

Dealing with it from a UI perspective is difficult, and I get the 
impression that's the main issue, not the coding once the UI is figured 

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