On 28/11/13 13:15, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
Thought I might show you what I've been working on for the last year or
so. :)

http://cycle.travel/ is a new "everyday cycling" website for Britain and
it won't surprise you to learn it has lots of OSM mapping in there.

Click on 'Map' and you'll find OSM-based route-planning and cycle
mapping. If you create an account (just log in with Twitter or Facebook
if you like), you can save your routes, export GPX and PDF, and so on.

The route-planner is based on OSRM, so you get fully draggable routes.
It tries to avoid hills where possible, and knows about NCN routes.

Both the route-planner and cartography take account of surface tags on
cycleways, bridleways, tracks and paths. Adding surface tags helps
cycle.travel know whether a given path is easy to cycle along. There's a
bit more about this at

Very very early days and I've not really told the world yet. There's a
few bits of content missing (like the bike shop listings) - it's ramping
up slowly. But as all the map data has been contributed by you lovely
people I thought you should be among the first to know! There are
doubtless lots of bugs and you can report them at
http://cycle.travel/forum/2 .

This is brilliant!



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