Today whilst moving bugs over from OpenStreetBugs  I noticed that the
GP circuit <> is tagged
leisure=sports_centre and Huntingdon
Racecourse<>is tagged with

Whereas it is true that Silverstone is a centre for a sport, my
understanding is that leisure=sports_centre is usually used to map
buildings, usually run by councils, which offer a range of facilities for
different sports. Associated playing fields are usually mapped as

Similarly leisure=track is comprehensible to me, but would not make sense
to any automated processing of tag values.

I've muttered before about how extending the meaning of a tag usually
degrades the tags value. In this case indiscriminate use of sports_centre
means that OSM no longer becomes suitable for examining things like access
to sports facilites by the general public.

The other thing that this highlights is the potential need for a generic
landuse type tag for areas devoted to some sporting purpose. I've noted
this before in the US where people have taken to marking the in-bound areas
of a ski resort with leisure=recreation_ground.

Any thoughts,

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