
I would really like to showcase good work folk are doing with OSM data/maps at 
the Society of Cartographers conference.
Would anyone like to pitch a presentation at the joint SoC/ICA conference in 
Glasgow this September.
The following is the formal call for papers.
Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss possibilities.
Also, Central Glasgow looks to be pretty well mapped, but some of the outlying 
areas could use some map-love.
So, a mapping party could be incorporated or butted-up up to the conference if 
anyone fancies working with me on that.


The 50th Society of Cartographers conference takes place from 31 Aug-2 Sept 
2014 at the University of Glasgow. The afternoon session on Tuesday 2 Sept is 
to be a joint one, with the ICA Commission in Neocartography 
[http://neocartography.icaci.org/] joining with the SoC for the occasion.

If you would like to offer a presentation as part of the programme at this 
event, please email a title and a 200 word abstract to ste...@mdx.ac.uk  by Fri 
March 14th. The major themes of the session are:
*       Innovation in proprietary online mapping systems
*       Innovation with open source mapping services
*       Interesting map designs in the new milleau
*       Designing maps for mobile devices
*       Mapping from social media and crowdsourced data

The programme committee will review proposals, and decisions relayed to all who 
have submitted by Fri 11 April.


Steve Chilton FSEDA, Teaching Fellow
Lead Academic Developer
Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement
Middlesex University
phone: 020 8411 5355
email: ste...@mdx.ac.uk
Profile: http://www.middlesex.wikispaces.net/user/view/steve8

Blog: http://itsahill.wordpress.com/
Chair of the Society of Cartographers: http://www.soc.org.uk/
Chair of ICA Neocartography Commission: http://neocartography.icaci.org/


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