On 19/05/14 08:57, Marc Gemis wrote:
from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/FAQ

Why doesn't Nominatim process addr:* tags on buildings[edit]

For performance reasons buildings (and other low level features) are not
fully indexed, but are instead simply inherit from their parent street.
As such many addr:* tags except those directly related to the building
are ignored. For instance add:town will never be used - instead the town
of the road will be used.

This is why I ask whether it works for you to have postcodes on the
address nodes. My experiences is that they are useless for Nominatim.

I've been slowly adding details such as businesses in the local trading estates, and just adding postcode + building ID for each. Nominatim always picks up the correct location data even when a building is adjacent to a number of roads. But nominatim is not the only tool using address data, and not having to find adjacent roads because the postcode is available makes life easy. I have a complete postcode database which does of course help as well ;)

    On 19/05/14 08:06, Marc Gemis wrote:

              > and in this case, the street and other
              > location data can be provided by tags on a street rather
              > duplicating that data unnecessarily on every building ...

             Surely that’s what associatedStreet relations are for.

     > Does Nominatim already supports associatedStreet relations to pick up
     > the postcode ?
     > When I tried it 8 months ago, it just used it to find a street
     > (the first one in the relation). It then took the name of that street
     > segment as the street name for the address.

    associatedStreet is just another unnecessary layer in the way it is
    currently defined. I see little point having the house identifier
    duplicated. Where a postcode uniquely defines a set of higher level
    relations then that is all we need. Where a postcode is not
    available, then a link to a street way has a place, but in many
    cases creating complex relations just makes the problem worse.
    Personally I would prefer to see editors providing adjacent objects
    as options for populating some of the tag elements, so if a postcode
    is identified it can be duplicated.

    Nominatim does work nicely without the need for the added
    complication so I'd suggest at least in the UK we do not use
    'associatedStreet' at all.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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