I was also about to report this, I noticed this last night. It seems
that there is a gap in the coastline somewhere

I initially thought it was something I did, as I was editing the
coastline around Runcorn/North Wales a few days ago but I can't find
any issues after some time searching, and the coastline is all
connected up correctly (it seems).

It looks like it's actually spread across the entire country, and as
Mapnik is rerendering tiles it's being broken. I've tried the
coastline validator tool, and also downloaded large parts of the
coastline into JOSM but can't find the error. Does anyone know what
else we can do here?


On 18 June 2014 08:27, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> It only appears to be happening on areas with the "default" landuse -
> residential, farms etc are rendered normally. That might be a clue. So far
> it seems to be limited to an area in central England but it may spread. The
> boundaries of the area are straight, and along tile boundaries. It only
> appears at z11-z13. On this map, the left half is "blue" (last rendered June
> 17) and the right half is "normal" (last rendered June 10).
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/52.0770/-0.7172
> On 2014-06-18 01:10, Michael Kugelmann wrote:
> Am 18.06.2014 00:41, schrieb Colin Smale:
> why the UK is turning blue on openstreetmap.org?
> Flood due to massive rain? Heavy tide?    ;-)
> Maybe the coastline is broken (or was changed) or something like that...
> Cheers,
> Michael.
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