This thread is already too long (though Fred's contribution was a classic).

If people want to add transliterations (or genuinely different names) by
hand, then let them. As long as no-one starts doing mass automated
transliterations, then it doesn't matter very much.

Richard (M)

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Pavlo Dudka <> wrote:

> I assert that it is "much better" to use a single service, because it is
> easier to add 100 osm-tags than implement communication with external data
> sources.
> Nominatim use osm-data, it should not(and I hope will never) use any other
> data from Wikidata or other projects.
> Mapnik allows to process .osm data without using any external data sources.
> There is also nice project "Multilingual Map" created as part of
> Multilingual maps wikipedia project(
> Can any of this services be easily modified to use Wikidata? No.
> I don't ask anyone to waste his time to modify UK place-nodes. That's how
> I want to spend my own time. But I want to be sure that SomeoneElse_Revert
> or someone else will not revert my changes.
> OSM-community tries to avoid any imports. I would like to check all cities
> one by one. I will check its spelling in ukrainian spelling dictionary,
> wikipedia, web articles.
> Note, half of UK cities don't have any reference to Wikipedia.
> I can fill them too while adding name:uk=*.
> 2014-08-05 12:42 GMT+03:00 Andy Mabbett <>:
>> > Not, it is not a job for external services. It is much better to use
>> single
>> > service(OSM) rather than multiple(OSM+Wikidata).
>> > OpenStreetMap supports multiple names - let's use it. If you don't like
>> > someone use some tags - just ignore those tags.
>> You assert that it is "much better"  to sue a dingle service, rather
>> than using linked open data as it is meant to be used; but you present
>> no argument for that assertion.
>> It is ot a case of "not liking" some tags, but of not wanting to
>> squander vouneteer hours repeating work that has already been done -
>> effectively and better - elsewhere.
>> Even were your assertion true, the data is, in many cases, already in
>> Wikidata and freely available for import.
>> --
>> Andy Mabbett
>> @pigsonthewing
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