Why do you call it "poor transliteration"?
Actually "Бері-Сент-Едмендс" is the result of transcription(ˈbɛrɪ sənt
ˈɛdməndz) conversion, additionally united by hyphens according to general
city spelling.
This city name *is used* in ukrainian texts in wikipedia, airline tickets
web-sites, as tourist destination, weather forecasts web-sites, etc.

2014-08-05 14:23 GMT+03:00 SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk>:

> That's rather more problematical.  Under what licence are those web
> articles published?  How do you know that the translation is accurate, and
> not a poor transliteration (like the Bury St Edmunds example)?  How does
> another mapper verify(1) that the name is correct?
> Cheers,
> Andy
> (1) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Verifiability
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