Happy 10th Birthday OSM!

For a 10th birthday present - I thought I'd reprise SK53's 10 fascinating facts 
posting from April 2013[1],
 to see where OSM GB is at, at of the beginning of August 2014 compared to 
Ordnance Survey GB(OSGB)[2] (values not updated).

So here's the comparison with the changes in OSM in that period.

   Object: OSGB ; OSM ; OSM Change since April 2013

   1. Pylons: 80,517 ; 69,562 ; +11,075

   2. Post Boxes: 93,728 ; 47,501 ; +4,759
Also see <http://robert.mathmos.net/osm/postboxes/>)

   3. Camp sites: 8,908 ; 3,826 ; +644
   + 2331+4+3 

   4. Buildings: 35,397,754 ; 2,731,351 ; 1,890,835 ; +840,516

   5. Bus Stops: 354,099 ; 220,490 ; +4,770

   6. Residence within 500m of a football ground: 2,115,006 ; Not analysed ; 
Not analysed [3]

   7. Petrol Stations: 7,702; 6,339 ; +1,142

   8. Addresses: 27,341,262; 764,082 ; +231,196

   9. Electricity Poles: 183,987; 134,998 ; +40,799
   10. Road length: 407,532 km ; 413,296 km ; Different analysis[4]

Of course there is no guarantee we are comparing like for like.

All values from UK taginfo (except for road length[4], which is sum of the 
lengths of the following highway types:

living_street          250.9 km
motorway              6985.1 km
motorway_link         1474.7 km
primary              28690.1 km
primary_link           257.4 km
residential         131145.1 km
secondary            30977.3 km
secondary_link          47.8 km
tertiary             56068.5 km
tertiary_link           86.9 km
trunk                27320.7 km
trunk_link            1716.6 km
unclassified        128275.3 km
=431,296 km

Quirky OSM values:

   1. 6 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/tags/royal_cypher=EVIIIR> post
   boxes with Edward VIII's royal cypher. NB There's 327 Queen Victoria 'VR' 

   2. only 278 
Memorials - many may be mapped simply under the generic historic=memorial but 
with the specific memorial type.

   3. 1907 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=police#values>Police
and 1596 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=fire#values> Fire 

   4. 955 Fire Hydrants (see above)

   5. 180 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=real_ale>establishments 
purveying Real Ale, and
   188 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=cider> Real Cider out
   of 34,086 Pubs <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=pub#values> and
   2,243 Bars <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=bar#values>( ONLY 1 

   6. 7,094 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/keys/bicycle_parking>Bicycle 
Parking locations
         With a capacity of 87611 [5]

   7. around 30 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=hide#values> 
bird/wildlife hides

   8. 6 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=knitting#values>knitting 

   9. 9069 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/keys/stile#overview> stiles

   10. 2025 <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org.uk/search?q=lock> canal locks

[1] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2013-April/014681.html
[3] Some SQL query code may be needed to perform this one - for OSGB given the 
high number of homes, presumably they are considering any football pitch (not 
just league football grounds). I still haven't gotten around to doing any DB 
[4] https://gist.github.com/rnorris/6efe00b00e70821c5b23 - Run with 
[5] https://gist.github.com/rnorris/1e8ecf7850cc6c672616                        

OSM User: robbieonsea

Be Seeing You - Rob 
If at first you don't succeed,
then skydiving isn't for you.                                     
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