
OSGeo UK are running a couple of single day events in November centred
PostGIS (the spatial database extender for PostgreSQL - http://postgis.net).
Further details can be found here: http://osgeouk.github.io/pgday/.

For the London event we'd like ideas for talks of around 25 minutes (+5 for
questions), and also 10 minute lightning talks. This is your opportunity to
tell everyone about the cool, fantastic, awesome, or really incredibly
thing you have done with PostGIS. Our only stipulations are that overt sales
pitches will not be considered, and it must (obviously) be related to
Whatever else you want to talk about is up to you!

If you're interested, please email osgeouk at gmail.com with a brief outline
of your talk, and whether you want a 10 minute or 30 minute slot.

Please note that you'll need to sign up for a ticket as well- and they are
running out fast.

The deadline for submissions is the 3rd November, and we'll let all
accepted speakers know by the 6th of November.

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in London on the 20th!


Matt Walker
Talk-GB mailing list

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