I'm happy to import *JUST the six notes* if that's preferred, without any
node (the node and note are linked in other countries).  That's an extra
step for the local mapper however.

I have actually mapped one of these but have refrained from adding
> information about the manufacturer for fear that my ground survey will be
> obliterated by this import.
> There's no reason to fear. For @SK53 you can safely add "brand" :  this is
not an obliterating type of import, it's a conflation.  No ground survey
data is at risk: quite the contrary ground survey is needed and wanted.
For example:

This "import" is exactly analogous to checking an electronic list of open
Tesco locations against those mapped in OSM, except here the list is OdBL

Beyond that, I've reached out to each of the (known to me) vendors of this
type of station, offering up OSM as a place to record tool stand locations.
I have no commercial relationship with any of them.

So: an import of NOTES instead, with no underlying node data?
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