On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 12:50 AM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:

>  I don't see a problem with access=private as this could be handy for
> micromapping a property.  access=public should probably be access=yes.

The tagging proposal to date imagined only the "shared dump stations" of
the type that would (in years past) have appeared on AAA maps.
If it's to be used for backyard or per-site hookups, the proposal needs


Mapping a hookup in someone's backyard offers* the same pitfalls as mapping
their home toilet and recycling bin.*
The next level of private is "guests only", which I called "destination".

*The cases seem to be:*
per-site hookup, available only to registered guests at the particular site
shared dump station, available only to guests of the destination
shared dump station, available for drive up
shared dump station, free

*Tagged as:*
Way/node or
As a tagged property of a mapped place (e.g. campground, store, fuel
station), without a specific position.
As a tagged property of a numbered camp slot (e.g. sites 1-22 offer
per-site hookups).

A caravan site might have 200 private hookups. We don't want the hookups to
be rendered at the same level as the central dump station.
Backyard dump stations should render even less prominently, if they are
even mapped at all.
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