The OpenStreetMap London group would like to invite you to our next
development event. If you'd be interested in a weekend of collaborative
development of OpenStreetMap and open geodata technologies, please sign up
Sadly, space is limited and signing up for a ticket is necessary.

The theme for this event is mobile development and we would especially like
to welcome anyone with an interest or experience in that area. If mobile
isn't your thing, that's cool too; everyone's welcome to come and hack on
OSM and open geodata projects! This isn't just an event for developers - we
need designers, UX experts, testers, users, mappers and all kinds of people
to help us make the best possible result!

Over the course of the weekend, we'll figure out a plan and then try to
implement it. Note that this isn't one of those competitive hacking
competitions; there might be different teams working on different things,
but we're all working together. The planning will take place on Saturday
morning, so please take that into account in your plans.

Our thanks to our hosts for the weekend, Geovation Hub, for letting us use
their office, which is fully accessible.

For more info and tickets, please see
Talk-GB mailing list

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