Rendering _links is a pain, and the default rendering isn't brilliant at it
(it renders all links under all non-links). So I'd definitely err on the
side of not using _links unless they are adding some real information.

A good use of _links is to distinguish between the main roads continuing
through at speed and the links between the main roads. If you don't have
flyovers/underpasses, _links aren't really adding anything (and just make
life hard for the data consumer).

Some people seem to use _links when a road divides in two approaching a
junction. This also causes problems, and I can't really see what value it
is adding.

Using _links on a simple roundabout is unusual, and unhelpful. What value
is it adding?


On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Paul Bivand <>

> Noticed some changes that I think odd that appear to derive from mapper
> urViator changing highway= primary to primary_link in a gyratory system in
> Strood.
> As I understand the _link versions, these are for short parts of junction
> systems rather than substantial chunks of road in the sort of gyratory
> systems
> that traffic engineers surround town centres with.
> What's evident on the standard rendering is the odd overlaying on the _link
> roads of joining roads. I'd have thought that having joining roads was
> pretty
> much a sign that _link was not appropriate.
> What do people think?
> Paul Bivand (paulbiv)
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