On 24/09/15 20:41, malenki wrote:
> Andy Townsend schrieb
> am Tue, 15 Sep 2015 21:54:38 +0100:
>> First of all - thank you for "properly mapping" this bit of the
>> country.
> You are welcome. But it isn't much fun when I have to look repeatedly
> after "my" data to verify it hasn't vanished.
> I can think of better ways spending my time.
>> It's a shame that you've met resistance doing this.  With regard to
>> the two sides to the argument, I'd tend to believe the person that
>> writes changeset comments over the person that doesn't :)
>> […]
>> PS:  If you come back at any stage may I suggest mid-Wales?  Quite a
>> lot there is still as it came from NPE: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/bta
> Regarding the response to my attempts to communicate and the mapping
> "cooperation" in these regions I am neither inclined to do much
> regarding mapping after contributing the already collected
> data nor to use OSM data now knowing who maps there how. Even
> falsifying ways seems superfluous.
> Not least there is to mention the weather. Although there were only
> about two wet weeks¹ from about four and the countryside is quite
> beautiful when one is able to see it² I prefer places with less
> humidity and more sun.³ :)
> Regards
> Thomas
> ¹
> http://www.mapillary.com/map/im/Av1qw1T8qBoGW7PQbaqn4A/photo
> http://www.mapillary.com/map/im/2_v7V7WN0563HJMEHRyJaw/photo
> ²
> http://malenki.ch/OSM/Bilder/mapillary/dscRX035751-58_mapillary_pano7.jpg
> ³
> http://www.mapillary.com/map/im/a8ZuUvALFc3ZwgRKhMd-XQ/photo
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Thomas -

I think that the mapper with whom you had some disagreement shares you
dislike of
moisture and lack of sunshine. Hence prefers to do his mapping from the
comfort of
an office chair...

I also had some correspondence with him over some local features, but I
found that he
was responsive and helpful. I must have caught him on some of Wales'
sunnier days.


-- Dr Bogumil N Zaba

Dr Bogumil N Zaba

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