On 22/11/15 19:06, Rob Nickerson wrote:
>There has been a discussion on the tagging mailing list triggered by
>Gerd Petermann having made a mechanical edit to some traffic calming

Thanks Chris,

To summarise for those who don't want to get stuck in the tagging
mailing list, Gerd spotted that traffic calming (speed bumps, etc) was
tagged in different ways:

1. highway=traffic_calming
2. highway=traffic_calming + traffic_calming=*
3. traffic_calming=*

It looks like highway=traffic_calming (which was only used ~1000 times
vs traffic_calming=*'s ~200,000 times) has never been a suggested tag
on the wiki. As such Gerd made the following changes to the three
cases above:

1. Replaced with traffic_calming=yes
2. Keep just traffic_calming=*
3. No change

The edit included a review of all nodes and extra detail was added on
a case by case basis if required (e.g. crossing details is it is also
a pedestrian crossing).

Quite frankly I don't really care. The tag was hardly used so if Gerd
wants to get rid of it completely and has time to do this then fine by
me. On the flip side the tag is not incorrect (just not documented or
supported by many people) so why waste time to remove it. Given that
Gerd took the time to manually review each one before changing it and
made improvements in some cases, I would have been quite happy to let
this slide - we have bigger issues to be discussing.

Question: Is the discussion of this more wasteful (time) and harmful
(negative impression of the community) than the original edit?

Gerd did the work you describe but went ahead with an almost nation-wide
mechanical edit without any prior discussion or description. That's why
I asked him to revert it. Mechanical edits need to be discussed. He then
indicated that he would discuss the tags on tagging@ - indeed he
suggested leaving his edit and discussing it on tagging@. I wanted also
to make it clear that tagging@ is not the best place to discuss
mechanical edits - a lot of people avoid tagging@ to maintain the will
to live.

Cheers, Chris (chillly)

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