Hi all,

As noted in previous emails to this list, please find the dial in number
for the first UK/GB OpenStreetMap group meeting below.

Brian Prangle has kindly volunteered to help facilitate the first meeting
following on from his Chairmanship of the State of the Map 2013
(Birmingham) group. The following brief agenda has will be followed in the
interest of wanting to deal with bite-sized chunks and to get things
moving, not in wanting to curtail discussion.

*Suggested agenda:*

   - Welcome & Introduction
   - Aims & Objectives
   - Name or project code
   - Volunteers for pre-inauguration working group
   - Volunteers for "officers-elect" and eventually as officers (subject to
   election): Chair, Secretary(to include membership admin unless a separate

Suggested duration 1 hour, but not set in stone.

*Joining details:*
*->Today, Thursday 17th December at 8pm*
This is a telephone conference with the facilities kindly provided by
Wikimedia UK. There are two UK numbers to select from. Shaun informs me
that the the 0800 number should now be free from both landlines and mobiles
but just in case I also include the 03 number. The 03 number costs no more
than a national rate call to a traditional 01 or 02 number and if you have
inclusive minutes as part of your phone/mobile contract then you can use
these on the 03 number.

Numbers and passcode at

*Survey results:*
As a reminder the results of the survey we did earlier this year can be
found at:

Hope to hear from many of you today (Thursday) at 8pm.

Talk-GB mailing list

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