Hi Tim,

Mailing list in the sense of talk-gb is not right here. I simply meant I
need an updated list of email addresses of people who still want to be

Currently I am using the emails provided in the survey from several months
ago (68 out of 101 respondents), tweeting and using OSM diary entries to
try to reach everyone. This is time consuming/spammy so I asked for an
updated list.

We want to get an initial working group set up and starting to share ideas.
I'm not sure where the best place to do this is. We could swamp talk-gb
with all the emails or I create a list (like t...@stateofthemap.org) and we
discuss on email amongst the interested parties. Alternatively we use a
site like loomio/slack/hipchat/github to set up a discussion space. As I
only have experience with managing small groups (<10) I welcome people's
thoughts on this.

It was barely discussed during the conference call, hence very little info
in the minutes.


On 21 December 2015 at 22:06, Tim Waters <chippy2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> <snip>
The minutes do not state that people agreed to set up non OSM mailing lists
> as a replacement to the current system. I couldn’t find any discussion
> about emails or mailing lists. All I could find was one action point:
> "Rob: We should get e-mails. I’ll put a form on the talk-GB list."
> Could you tell us who didn't attend the meeting and may be missing out on
> some background, what is this form for?
> <snip>
> Best regards,
> Tim
Talk-GB mailing list

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