Brian wrote:
>On legal structures, please read Rob's excellent summary before the
>concall. I've read it and my conclusion so far, and I'm still not clear on
>some things, is that we shouldn't go for unincorporated society (unlimited
>liablity for officers) or charity (we don't have a charitable purpose and
>the legal strictures are a bit more complex than we'd want). From the rest
>I think company limited by guarantee (that's what OSMF chose) suits us
>best. Not sure yet whether CIO or CIC, given that we'd be non-profit, are
>worth considering.

Thanks Brian. I found time to look again at CIC's today and have updated
the document and wiki [1]. They are limited companies with extra features.
The extra features mean more paperwork (although apparently not too much
more) but send a clear message that we are for community benefit not
personal gain.

A CIO is essentially a "Charity-light" in that it only needs to register
with the Charity Commission and not Companies House as well (as a
Charitable Company does). I'm not sure how much annual overhead and
legalise this removes. We still would need to meet the Public Benefit Test
(and presumably obey Charity Law).

Will discuss on the concall.

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