Just a few notes to help identify areas of the draft AoA which need

Thanks to Rob, Andy, Robert & Brian for comments so far.



On 15 March 2016 at 16:43, SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> In order to provide everyone a chance to read the draft AoA before
> Thursday's conference call, here is a link to the *current version *on
> Google Docs:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbHiUcQjz0SHKlt6BzGp2z_Lo1YH1RmdEZ2kMkpNI04/edit?usp=sharing
> .
> The link should allow comments, so corrections to typos, paragraph
> numbering should be added directly on the document.
> I'll produce some guidance notes before the call as to the intention of
> specific parts of the AoA. However for now. Articles 2-6, 8, 9 , 23, 26,
> 27, 28 & 50 + the definitions are the parts worth checking over: much of
> the rest is fairly standard boilerplate.
> I'm still trying to get my head around providing alternatives for various
> membership scenarios (specifically allowing organisations as ordinary
> members or not), So please bear in mind that the first three articles under
> Members are subject to change.
> My earlier notes
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/mhcc87s9ee31md5/OSMUK_Governing_Papers.pdf?dl=0>
> are still relevant: and I may well not have covered everything I intended
> as working with the detailed text is very much "missing the wood for the
> trees". Also working things in from the model articles is rather
> reminiscent of creating spaghetti code.
> Regards,
> Jerry
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