OK I've had a go at one area, by clicking points in Greg's tool and
loading them into josm. Nice to see the schools when they pop up have
matching metadata from the previous schools project (i.e. the FHRS and
the Edubase data at least agree with each other! And here we end up
connecting their DB IDs with one another).

It's useful to click on items in Greg's tool and use the option to
download the suggested tags into josm. Would be nice to be able to do
that in bulk, as long as we promise we're manually validating the
result, of course...


P.S. my changeset http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/42786508

2016-10-10 20:26 GMT+01:00 Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> Really sorry for the stupid question, but: what is a participant in
> this quarterly project actually supposed to *do*?
> This page 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UK_2016_Q4_Project:_Food_Hygiene_Ratings
> doesn't really say what action a mapper should take if they want to
> contribute.
> I can use greg's tool to review the suggested matches for an area I
> know, and then I can add fhrs:id and addr:postcode to existing objects
> in OSM. Just an armchair evening. Is that what people are doing? Or
> are people doing active surveys?
> Thanks
> Dan

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