On 23/11/16 15:32, Manfred A. Reiter wrote:

Hi, maybe interesting and not totally OT ;-)

Sentamu Academy (@SentamuAcademy) twitterte um 3:35 nachm. on Mi., Nov. 23, 2016:
We are currently advertising for a Teacher of Geography.


Join #TeamArchie 🔹🔸🔹

@getintoteaching @HDMJobs https://t.co/UuaNFsUZta

If the new geography teacher tries to encourage the pupils to get into OSM I hope she / he does a better job than the staff did in the past.

My experience and impressions of the school were not good.

I was invited to visit the school, which I did a couple of times to explain about OSM and to try to help a member of staff incorporate some OSM into a lesson or two. It quickly became clear that the motivation was not to broaden the pupils' education or improve the quality, use or understanding of OSM, rather that a foreign trip was on offer under some European scheme.

Almost everything the pupils added to OSM was junk. Quality control seemed to be absent and very little of real value remains. I had to step in and correct or revert awful edits that the team seemed happy to leave.

Little wonder that in July Ofstead ruled Archbishop Sentimu Academy inadequate and placed the school into special measures.

I have been disheartened by my experience and would think long and hard before offering to help a school again.

Cheers, Chris (chillly)

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