I've recently been experimenting with Real-time Kinematic (RTK) "GPS"
GNSS receivers and RTKLIB with some reasonable success. I've been able
to get repeatable centimetre level position accuracy.
I've been using u-blox NEO-M8T chipsets.

Unfortunately there are very few open and realtime RTK/RTCM NTRIP
streams available in the UK.
The lack of access to a reasonably nearby stream limits the RTK to
mostly post-processing application.

The open live streams I have found for the UK are at Daresbury,
Inverness, Shoeburyness. All of which are in excess of 70km from where
I live.

OS Net has good coverage, but is commercial. They do provide open
access RINEX post processing data, 24 hours after capture:

I'd be interested to know if anyone else has been experimenting with RTK?

Do you need a live RTCM stream for experimenting / survey? I can
create one, happy to travel closer on the weekends too. I use a Emlid
Reach RS.

Kind regards,

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