Hello everyone,

I'm leading the project to develop the map on the future OSM-UK website and am 
looking for contributors.

To summarise: the idea is to do a UK-specific map rendering, with a map 
friendly for countryside users such as walkers, cyclists and horse riders as 
well as general map users.

We hope to have a server available soon. I am happy to do much of the work on 
this, e.g. installing the necessary software (PostGIS and Mapnik etc) as well 
as developing much of the client- and server-side scripting code, but am 
seeking contributors and input in these areas in particular.

* The actual rendering. I have some ideas here on how to make the map friendly 
for countryside users, but am seeking input from professional cartographers and 
general map users too. General consensus at the moment is to go for a style 
resembling the OS Landranger (for the countryside) as that is what users are 
used to. This is something we can start discussing now - while waiting for the 

* Web design and UX experts. These are not my strong points and we really need 
people to contribute here!

* Help on the coding - obviously I can't do it all! We'd need front end and 
back end coders - original thought was PHP for the latter but I'm wondering 
whether node.js / Express.js would be feasible as Mapnik works with node 
natively. Need to look into this but this isn't urgent for the moment.

There is a group on Loomio to discuss this so if you're interested please 
follow the invitation link:




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