On 11 May 2017 at 23:25, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Link to discussion so far on imports@:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/imports/2017-May/004956.html
>> My concern would be from where to they get their geocoding.  Most
>> businesses, and particularly chain businesses, tend to use postcode
>> centroids, which are not accurate enough, probably get them from Google.
> I voiced the same general concern, but a random sample I checked of the
> (actually rather few) stations that are proposed to be newly added
> seemed to be impeccably placed.

In which case, there is a different concern: have they done their
geo-coding from an acceptable source for use in OSM? If they've e.g.
used Address Base (or a similar product) or got coordinates from a
non-OpenData OS map, then there could be problems. I think we need
more information on the data sources here.

Some other comments:

* If a ref/id is to be used, it should probably be Shell's branch
reference number, not that of the third-party data provider. (These do
exist, and at least in some cases are verifiable on the ground, as
I've found at least one on a pump at a Shell garage up the road from

* There's an addressing edge-case error on a station near me, which is
located on the Five Ways Roundabout near Mildenhall:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/478902268 . We currently have
(incorrectly) "addr:place=5 Ways Roundabout", but the script is
proposing adding "addr:street=Ways Roundabout" and

* The script shouldn't just add source=Navads to objects it's only
modifying, as that would imply the whole object was sourced from
there. If existing tags and position are retained, then this needs to
be acknowledged somehow. If there's an existing source tag, then
Navads could just be added to the list (I haven't checked to see if
this is the case). If not, then there's more of a challenge. The
script current just adds source=Navads in this case. I think the
importers need to propose a better solution for this.

* As others have said, there needs to be more information about what
happens if there are multiple amenity=fuel objects within 50m, and
also what happens if any existing tags conflict with what the script
would like to add.

* The proposed website tag appears to point to http://www.shell.co.uk
for all the branches. Would it be better pointing to a specific URL
for that branch (assuming this exists)?

* The opening_hours from the import script for
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/248030653 don't match those displayed
on Shell's own website for the same station. One as open till 11pm on
Saturday, the other only 10pm. So is the data accurate / up-to-date?


Robert Whittaker

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