On Thu, 15 Jun 2017, Neil Matthews wrote:

> I've recently noticed a lot of "historic" edits in Bath by user SNLA
> (https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SNLA).
> There's been some discussion on the changeset
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/49401905
> What's the prevailing thought process on mapping mostly obliterated
> historic buildings - abuse the layer tag to push them underground,
> restrict them to OHM rather than OSM, or just delete them. One problem
> seems to be they are joining other contemporary features and modifying
> them when rectifying ruined buildings, etc. I always find Bath "a bit
> fiddly" so it's not surprising. The other issue would be where
> underlying data is from, in terms of copyright.
> Maybe other large historic towns have good solutions; Londinium, Eboracum?

I've always understood that OpenStreetMap maps what is *currently* 
there. Visible, and verifyable.

Things that used to be there (dismantled railways, no longer visible old 
forts and castles, etc.), should not be on OSM. OHM is the place for 


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