
Comments inline.

On 04/11/2017 20:07, Adam Snape wrote:

I'm of the view that using a standard format would be rather unlikely to result in confusion in correspondence with the LA, but am equally happy with using the LA's version. Some thoughts:

1. We definitely shouldn't attempt to amend the definitive map 'parish' to correspond to modern civil parish boundaries. That could cause problems.

Could you clarify what you mean by "modern civil parish boundaries".

2. A standardized format could make it easier for data consumers to utilise the tagged information.

I believe all LAs (admin_level=6) and parishes (admin_level=10) have been added so the 'standardised' as described on the wiki contains no unique data that can't be retrieved from within osm.

3. There often isn't consistency of formatting in official usage. What might appear on the definitive statement as 'Wiggington Bridleway No.7', might appear in orders as 'Bridleway number 7 in the Parish of Wiggington' and on the open data GIS files as 'Wiggington BW 7'

I see that as an internal LA problem & I'm not convinced adding another variation within OSM will help.
As long as the format issued under OGL is used, I don't see a problem.

4. A minority of authorities number different categories of RoW separately, so a parish may contain both a footpath 1 and a bridleway 1. If we do standardize a format, including the category seems a good way of ensuring we don't end up with duplicate prow_refs in such parishes.

5. It would be preferable to use the established acronym BOAT for Byway Open to All Traffic, rather than BY as suggested in the Wiki

From my OP:
* path abbreviations are unnecessary as their classifications are already defined in other OSM tags (highway & designation)

We haven't unified other references countrywide; such as fhrs:ids & C roads, or internationally, such as Motorways/Autobahns.


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