Hi Brian,

cc: talk-gb where there is an ongoing discussion about prow ref. I want to
use this post to highlight that even the local authorities are not
internally consistent.

Good to see you on Thursday. As discussed I will start with Stratford upon
avon district (admin level 8) rights of way:

I'm not sure if I will add the prow_ref as I'm not so sure it has much
value given that they are not signed on the ground. I also don't know what
code to add. Nick has it showing the Parish name/code, then a space, then
the ref. I think this is just a copy from Barry's rowmaps datasets. In the
Warwickshire data Barry has, it is a parish code (e.g. 214). This gives
values such as "214 SS92/1".

A quick check of the prow map that Warwickshire CC put online (scanned
map), they only show the "SS92" part.

In my WCC data (which I think is an earlier version that they released
prior to Robert W forcing them to make it OGL), the parishes are listed by
names. As an example, for one way I have these key=value pairs:

   - ID_NO=SS92
   - Type=BR
   - DIST_BOR=Stratford-upon-Avon District
   - Parish=Long Compton

There is also a way with the exact same details, except Parish=Little
Compton. There are also 3 cases (AE103, AE56 and AL24) where the same ID_NO
is both a bridleway and a footpath!

No ID_NOs have any "/1" or similar (although we do have letters, such as
"SS92a"). I wonder if this was introduced automatically by computer
software which needed the ID_NO column to be a unique key. In which case
the addition of "/1", "/2" etc is unknown/unofficial to the council.

Given all this, and the fact that the council don't seem to be very
consistent with their own data, I propose either:

   - Adding just the ID_NO (e.g. SS92)
   - Or following the wiki advise *(parish name, two-letter type
   abbreviation, path number without leading zeros)* (e.g. Long Compton BR

What do you plan to add?

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