On 13/07/2018 23:26, Dan S wrote:
I hope this is not too much of a side-issue, but: one hopeful request - pleeeease don't use amenity=university for each object in the campus, as was done for some other universities.

Indeed. I wouldn't use Oxford as an example. I *definitely* wouldn't look at Cambridge where one individual went off on his own. Still unsure why it's being tolerated.

I disagree with Warin. Pointing out pitfalls to avoid is as useful as recommendations to follow.


I don't think UK uni tagging is yet consistent across towns, but the wiki's advice looks broadly ok imho!


föstudagur, 13. júlí 2018 skrifaði David Earl <da...@frankieandshadow.com <mailto:da...@frankieandshadow.com>>: > The University of Northampton is opening a new campus very soon between between Bedford Road and New South Bridge Road. They would like to get a detailed campus map onto OSM as soon as possible, ideally by August 1. I haven't looked but I'm assuming this would have to be a ground survey as it is all new buildings so won't be on satellite (though maybe some building footprints might be), and in any case that wouldn't get down to the level of access doors, or building occupiers. If copyright permission can be obtained, I'm guessing they may have plans that could serve part of the job. > They would be open to employing someone to do the surveying, especially as it has a short timescale. I can't really do it as it's too far from home to do repeated trips or fit it into my current schedule, otherwise I'd have jumped at it (I worked with the contact doing Cambridge University maps, and I'm sending this with her permission). > If anyone is interested, please contact Amy Moore in their estates services department: amy.mo...@northampton.ac.uk <mailto:amy.mo...@northampton.ac.uk>
> David

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