On 13 July 2018 at 19:26, Andrew Black <andrewdbl...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I am pondering a similar but simpler question. I would like to add a table
> listing each authority at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:prow_ref
> describing the conventions used.

I've been working on something like this already as part of my PRoW
Progress/Comparison tool at
http://robert.mathmos.net/osm/prow/progress/ . The tool needs to know
the format that's used in each area in order to correctly parse the
prow_ref values use in OSM, and to generate Right of Way numbers to
display. The formats are stored in my database as a regular expression
for parsing and a sprinf format string for generating the output. I've
been displaying the formats on the county and parish pages for some
time, but I've now added a page showing the formats for each county
where one is defined:


These are the formats currently used by my tool. They may not always
be the best one, as sometimes there didn't seem to be a consistent
format in use (either by the Council or in OSM), and so sometimes I've
just opted for my default "[Parish Name] [Type] [Number]" style. I can
add other counties on request. I'm also more than happy to amend any
of the formats already there if there's a consensus amongst local
mappers to use something different.

One thing to be aware of though, is that the GIS data provided by the
councils is usually not the official Definitive Map, but just a
working representation of it. Often the council will assign reference
numbers to parishes, and segment numbers to the ways that are just for
internal convenience, and don't form part of the official PRoW number
as defined in the Definitive Map and Statement. My philosophy in the
above is to try to stick to the official numbering as used in the
Definitive Map and Statement.

I plan to add a download of the data at
http://robert.mathmos.net/osm/prow/ref-formats/ (probably in JSON
format) at some point so anyone else who wants to can make us of this
data more easily. I also have CSV files containing parish IDs and
names for the counties where it's necessary to do this translation,
which I can make available. For those using rowmaps data, sometimes
you'll find the parish name in the INFO field, but the presence and
format of this varies from county to county.


Robert Whittaker

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