On 26/07/18 13:32, Paul Berry wrote:
I can't help but think this changeset is misguided for a number of reasons. However I'm nowhere near Brighton so not really in a position to verify other than from memory and some armchair detective work.

To wit: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/59687846

So, two ways: "Bartholomews" and "Avenue" or just one: "Bartholomews Avenue"?

From what I can tell, "Bartholomews Avenue" is actually a mapping error from some 20th Century editions of printed maps (not 19th as the user claims), which *hasn't* been carried through to any other sources. I don't see why we should repeat that mistake.

Both the 1880s 1:2500 and the 1950s 1:2500 have the same issue
that the "Avenue" is very separate from "Bartholomws" and the side
roads round the town hall don't have the "Avenue" at all:



Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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