The background here is that the UK, AUS and NZ (these are the ones I'm
aware of, of the former UK colonies India and the US have moved away
from this but used to have similar issues) have very strong "sweat of
the brow" doctrines that essentially lead to there being no creativity
and originality requirements for obtaining copyright protection. This is
independent of sui generis database rights that are an additional angle
in the UK (at least as it maintains compatibility with EU IP regulation).


Am 06.08.2018 um 00:04 schrieb Warin:
> On 06/08/18 06:10, Martin Wynne wrote:
>>> Copyright doesn't work like that.
>> But you can't copyright names, addresses and similar material.
>> Road names and numbers would surely fall within that.
>> I'm not suggesting copying the document and posting it verbatim.
> There was a long and costly court case in Australia where a firm had
> used the information inĀ  phone books to make their own data base.
> Facts cannot be copyrighted in Australian Law. but any skill etc can
> be copyrighted.
> The case was fought.
> The legal niceties are above me, but the phone book people won ... so
> even though the facts in the phone book are not copyright, practically
> you cannot copy them into your own data base.
> Ridiculous but true.
> I'd think similar legal arguments could be made in a British court.
> Be carefull.
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