On 26/10/2018 10:56, Dave F wrote:
I'd be more concerned that on Facebook's mobile website (Android/Silk Browser) that image clicks through to Google Maps.

I suspect it depends (I did look into issues related to this in response to some DWG* tickets).  The maps you saw depending on where you were, where (both geographically and how far away) and what the thing that you were looking for was (e.g. roughly "a destination", "some other place", "something else"), and how you were accessing FB (e.g. on the phone was it app or browser, and I suspect it'd depend on OS too).

Any attribution issues you find are probably best handled by the LWG** though I'm not convinced that "clicking on a map from provider A and going to a map from provider B" necessarily is one.

Instagram of course is something else again, despite being owned by Facebook.  We (the DWG) have seen some misdirected reports come to us because Instagram's "report a problem" link (at least in the Android app a couple of weeks ago) pointed straight to OSM, and of course OSM has no influence on the search results that Instagram returns, which is usually what users are complaining about. However, I suspect it might result in businesses adding themselves to OSM that otherwise would not so I guess that "every cloud has a silver lining" :)

Best Regards


* https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Data_Working_Group

** https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licensing_Working_Group

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