On 14/01/2019 18:14, Andy Robinson wrote:
All seems rather fishy to me Martin ;-)


Hi Andy,

It is certainly fishy, and also very puzzling. It's clearly not an error in the mapping, the small areas 1E and 1H have been carefully measured and specifically numbered (1H is only 10 square metres).

Given that they are part of the public highway, it's puzzling why the Environment Agency feels the need to compulsorily acquire the rights to pass and repass over them? And what about the rest of us? Is it usual for small areas of tarmac in the public highway to be privately owned? Should I give thanks every time I pass that way that the owners have not erected toll booths on each side?

And what about the other half of the road? Who has the rights to use that bit? It's a narrow country lane, it is barely possible to use it in a vehicle without using both sides of it. But now that I know, I shall certainly do my best to avoid trespassing on the private property half.

Here's the Google Streetview:




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