
This weekend at FOSDEM I gave a talk on "Hikar", my augmented reality project 
for walkers/hikers making use of OSM data to show trails and virtual signposts 
on the device. (see http://www.free-map.org.uk/common/hikar.html for info and 

At the moment however it only works in Britain, Ireland and Greece due to the 
constraints of my server. Would be great to get it working in the whole of 
Europe (I realise the world might be a bit much at this stage!), so I wondered 
if anyone had any affordable hosting recommendations? Hikar downloads GeoJSON 
from a server containing OSM data (see below) and caches it on the device.

Basically what I need is an OSM PostGIS database (of the type used for Mapnik 
rendering) but it only needs to contain highways and selected POIs (as nodes) - 
nothing else. Ideally I also need PHP with the postgres extension as that is 
what my service is written in at the moment. However, if the best solution was 
an environment without PHP, I would be prepared to rewrite in say node.js.

Would be looking for hosting of not much more than approximately £20/EUR 20 per 
month, perhaps £30/EUR 30 as a maximum.

My current server has 1GB of memory and can just about cope with the areas 
above, so I suspect for the whole of Europe more memory would be required. 
Storage requirements for Britain, Ireland and Greece is perhaps (as an 
estimate) 10GB or a little less.

The same service would also serve OpenTrailView, a recently resurrected project 
to create a fully FOSS StreetView-type system for walkers and hikers. (see 
opentrailview.org - _very_ early demo!)

As an alternative, I was wondering how acceptable it would be to use the 
Overpass API to obtain the data? Downloaded data would be cached on the device 
so for a given area, data would only need to be downloaded once.



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