Hi all,

For those able to make it to Belfast next Saturday, OpenStreetMap Ireland
are hosting a meetup with Queen's University Belfast. It looks set to be a
great event including a talk on Drones and Mapping by Conor Graham from the
GIS & Geomatics Lab Centre in QUB. Sign up is via EventBrite:


Speaking of EventBrite, I'm curious as to how OSM UK can help OSM event
organisers. One idea we have to help attract new members to OpenStreetMap
is to advertise our events on services such as meetup.com or facebook. Is
this something you would make use of if it was available? More generally,
how can OpenStreetMap United Kingdom help support you and your event?

P.S. There is likely to be some funding available for supporting events so
we really do want to hear from you. Is it advertising, event spaces (room
booking), food, etc of most need - or something entirely different?

Best wishes,
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