On 04/03/19 10:22, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote:

On 03/03/2019 22:54, Warin wrote:
If a field is used for a helicopter landing .. should you tag it as a heliport?
If a one off, no, but if occasional then Helipad is appropriate in that case.

My answer is - what is it regularly used for and is suitable for that use? Not what it could be or seldom used for.

Please remember 'regularly' doesn't mean the same as 'frequently'. It can still be 'seldom used' & regular.

Frequency of use should have no bearing on tagging. if it's able to be used for certain purpose, then it can be tagged to indicate it. It doesn't have to be a primary tag.

A helicopter can land where ever there is space.
e.g. all football pitches can be used by a helicopter, therefore you would have all football pitches tagged as helipads?

The fact that something can be used for a certain purpose does not mean that it is used for that purpose. And even if it is used for that purpose, but seldom, it may have only done with special permission, so it is a temporary thing - which OSM does not map.

If it has not been used for some time then disused:*=* could be useful.

Disused indicates an official closure, not how rarely it's used.

Err  it indicates that a feature is no longer used, but could be put back into use with little effort. Nothing necessarily  'official'. If I see a shop has closed .. I do not know if it is 'official'. But I know it is 'disused' from the state of it.

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