Hi all,

My personal (non OSM UK company) response to the survey was as follows.
Given time constraints (the meeting is in May and they need time to digest
responses before then), I encourage others to submit personal responses.


OSM is big. It would be great if at the end of your meeting you have a
clear idea of which small part you want to help with. The OSMF states it is
"supporting [and] encouraging the growth, development and distribution of
free geospatial data". Which bits are the community perfectly capable of
doing on their own, and where is the community struggling after 15 years?

My take on it is that the community is great at collecting data (by ground
survey, promoting release of open data, etc) and have great technical
expertise. Where I feel the OSMF can add value is in community building /
cohesion. The decentralised nature of the project has led to a fragmented
community which can boil over into damaging debates based on "us versus
them" mindsets (e.g. Craft Mappers versus Corporate/Robot Mappers, Europe
vs USA, Humanitarian vs Local mapping, etc). My advise would be to focus on
building a healthy community and let us deliver the rest.

P.S. I have no idea how to achieve this (sorry) but my gut instinct is that
we need to use https://www.openstreetmap.org/ to highlight more about the
community as well as the map data.


Best regards,

On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 20:37, Rob Nickerson <rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Some may be interested in completing the following super short survey:
> https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2019/05/09/osmf-board-face-to-face-meeting-suggest-the-topics-and-issues-that-matter-to-you/
> For those who don't know, the OSMF is the "international not-for-profit
> organization supporting, but not controlling, the OpenStreetMap Project. It
> is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of
> free geospatial data and to providing geospatial data for anyone to use and
> share."
> The OSMF board of directors tend to meet in person once a year and this is
> your opportunity to influence what they will cover at their May 2019
> meeting.
> Best regards,
> *Rob*
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