For the past couple of years, I've gone to Ogg Camp <https://oggcamp.org/>
which is free to attend, with an optional price of £15 to support the
running costs. Last year I gave a talk on OSM, which saw around ten to
fifteen people turn up. As I'm from Ireland I couldn't give any local
information about mapping in the U.K. So if any of you are local you can
register to give a talk on the main stage or put up a post-it note,
unconference style for a talk in one of the other rooms. Maybe if a few
turn up we can do a mapping session around the city after the talk.

Depending on the layout, i.e are there tables in the common area like last
year and turnout of mappers, we could run tutorials on the fly as people
mingle between talks,

Tadeusz Cantwell
OSM Ireland
Talk-GB mailing list

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