On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 7:46 AM Devonshire <m...@fortyfivekev.co.uk> wrote:
> I think the main reason I did that back in the day is that mapping
> coastline all the way up to Totnes seems extremely
> non-intuitive. Someone standing on Totnes quay (10 miles inland) is not
> standing on the coast in any meaningful way.

Does that matter, though? The way many things in OSM are tagged is quite
arbitrary. What if "coastline" just means "mean high water level"? A tag
for MHWL seems much more useful than "you would probably consider this
the coast rather than a river bank".

> I don't really care either way but what would be the benefit of changing
> it to coastline (and slavishly copying the OS is not a benefit) ?

The benefit is we don't have to arbitrarily draw the line somewhere. The
tidal limit is well-defined so it's easy to be consistent.

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